Vivek Nigam and Carolyn Talcott |
Automating Recoverability Proofs for Cyber-Physical Systems with Runtime Assurance Architectures |
Siyu Liu and Yuting Wang |
Verified Transformation of Continuation-Passing Style into Static Single Assignment Form |
Mengjun Du, Peiyang Li, Lian Song, W.K. Chan and Bo Jiang |
OAT: an Optimized Android Testing Framework based on Reinforcement Learning |
Chenyang Zhu, Jinyu Zhu, Yujie Cai and Fang Wang |
Decomposing Synthesized Strategies for Reactive Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning |
Christian Lidström and Dilian Gurov |
Contract Based Embedded Software Design |
Anton Hampus and Mattias Nyberg |
Verifying Refinement of Probabilistic Contracts Using Timed Automata |
Puneet Bhateja |
Asynchronous Test Equivalence over Timed Processes |
Darius Foo, Andreea Costea and Wei-Ngan Chin |
Protocol Conformance with Choreographic PlusCal |
Wu Wang and Zhenhua Duan |
Verifying Chips Design at RTL Level |
Joanna Delicaris, Stefan Schupp, Erika Abraham and Anne Remke |
Maximizing Reachability Probabilities in Rectangular Automata with Random Clocks |
Shengyang Yao and Qin Li |
A Hierarchical Spatial Logic for Knowledge Sharing and Fusion in Intelligent Connected Vehicle Cooperation |
Qiaowen Jia, Yi Lv, Peng Wu, Bohua Zhan, Jifeng Hao, Ye Hong and Chao Wang |
VeriLin: A Linearizability Checker for Large-Scale Concurrent Objects |
Kenny Ballou and Elena Sherman |
Identifying Minimal Changes in the Zone Abstract Domain |
Jaime Santos, Alexandre Madeira and Daniel Figueiredo |
idDL2DL - Interval syntax to DL |
Zhen Liang, Dejin Ren, Wanwei Liu, Ji Wang, Wenjing Yang and Bai Xue |
Safety Verification for Neural Networks Based on Set-boundary Analysis |
Wenjing Chu, Shuo Chen, Marcello Bonsangue and Zengling Shi |
Approximately Learning Quantum Automata |
Lara Bargmann and Heike Wehrheim |
View-Based Axiomatic Reasoning for PSO |
Muhammad Rizwan Ali and Violet Ka I Pun |
A Static Analyser for Resource Sensitive Workflow Models |
Fangting Liao, Shun Long, Silei Cao, Xinyi Guan and Weiheng Zhu |
Extraction of Novel Bytecode Features for Java Clone Detection |
Juliana Cunha, Alexandre Madeira and Luís Soares Barbosa |
Stepwise Development of Paraconsistent Processes |
Yulin Wu, Zhiwu Xu and Shengchao Qin |
Detecting API-Misuse based on Pattern Mining via API Usage Graph with Parameters |