Coinduction in Cubical Agda In intensional Type Theory (pre-HoTT) there is an annoying asymmetry: while inductive proofs boil down to using pattern matching and structural recursion via the proposition-as-types explanation, coinduction is not provable and has to be encoded via setoids or introduced as an axiom destroying the computational adequacy of type theory. Here cubical type theory ala cubical agda offers a nice symmetry: as induction is provable from pattern-matching and structural recursion; coinduction is provable from copattern-matching and guarded corecrursion. However, once we try to dualize some interesting examples, eg using conatural numbers, things start to get a bit hairy. We need to be careful to expose the mutual structure of CoNat which is actually coinductive-inductive but we run into additional problems when using transitivity as is required to prove commutativity of addition on conaturals. The goal of my talk is first of all to explain the symmetry of induction and coinduction in cubical agda but also highlight the issues which are arising. This is open eded, I don't really have a satisfying solution in the moment, but will sketch some possible approaches.